
Датчик рівня пального Epsilon ESH 770

5307.69 грн з ПДВ.
Артикул - 084
Технічні характеристики

The sensor is designed to measure the level of fuel in the tanks of vehicles and stationary fuel storage. Can be used to measure the level of other conductive fluids.

Sensors of the ES2, ES4-H models, provide data exchange via the RS-232, RS-485 interfaces, the ESA-H model can be used together with the equipment providing measurement of an analog signal (voltage).

Sensors of the ES2-H model provide the frequency interface (signal output with a frequency from 500 to 1500 Hz with linear dependence on frequency of the measured level of fuel) when using the matching device and the analog interface (signal output with a voltage from 0 to 10 V fuel) when using the frequency / voltage converter FV-10.

The sensor has an electronic galvanic isolation on interface circuits and power supply circuits.

The structure of the sensor

The fuel level is measured by the measuring head together with the measuring probe, which is immersed in the fuel. The head, probe and flange have a non-detachable design with a pin as a central electrode.

The measuring probe of the sensor performs the function of a replaceable capacitor, the capacity of which depends linearly on the level of fuel filling.

The measuring head of the sensor performs linear conversion of the measuring probe capacity into a digital fuel level code, processing of the received digital data with averaging of measurement results, head temperature measurement and data output in the unified EDE protocol via RS-485 or RS-232 interface (for H4 sensors and ES2-H, respectively), or the issuance of an analog signal (for sensors model ESA-H).

To determine the volume of controlled fuel, the calibration procedure of the fuel tank must be performed, which establishes the relationship between the volume of fuel and the level code.

Operating temperature range, ° С - 40… + 75

Degree of protection of a measuring head against penetration of dust and moisture - IP67

Operating mode - Long

Limits of the admissible resulted error of measurement of level,% ± 1,0

The bit code of the measurement results, bit 10; 12; 14; 16

Supply voltage, operating range, B 9… + 36

Current consumption, mA, not more than 25

Permissible influence of pulse voltage on power supply circuits:

120 V, length. +180, 1 s

-1000 V, length.

Digital interface



Serial port exchange rate, bits / s 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600, 115200

Height of the measuring head above the surface of the tank, including the flange, mm, not more than 26

Технічні параметри
Виробник: RCS
Hardware: RS232RS485
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